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Families do come in all shapes and sizes. I find it really helps when new parents spend some time considering how their own upbringing, family culture or life experiences impact their parenting choices. Parenting truly is the hardest job in the world, so I don’t know why so many of us believe the myth that it should just come to us naturally 🤔 In truth, it takes time and practice and lots and lots of help!
#ittakesavillage #prenting #perinatalmentalhealth
Pregnancy and the early parenting days can be a time of complex emotions. Did you know that women are more likely to develop mental health problems at this time more than any other stage of their life? Seeking support as early as possible is one of the best ways to look after yourself and your baby. There is no job more demanding than parenting, so it’s only normal that we all need help. Please reach out if you are wondering how we can help you.
#parenting #pregnancy #perinatal #mentalhealth #baby
It’s so wonderful to be back in the playroom again! 💫 I’m opening up a few more sessions this month so please reach out if you want to find out more.
“Parents and children help each other to grow. In raising their children, parents are also raising themselves. Child rearing gives parents the chance to redo their own childhood and to improve on it.” Alicia F. Lieberman
I’m so excited to let you all know that as well as my work @bigfeelings.therapy I will be joining the lovely team @ogcg.melbourne to support the mental health of new and expecting parents 🐣 I can’t wait to help young families feel more grounded and confident in navigating their new lives! For more info, please see https://ogcg.com.au/vessal-safaei/
“Follow your child’s lead.” This is an expression you might have heard before, from child health nurses or early childhood educators. It’s because they know the power of giving a child their attention, with no agenda other than being curious about the child’s exploration. But as easy as it sounds, it’s one of the hardest jobs we have as a parent! With so many things on our mind, even when we prioritize the time to play, we often end up leading rather than follow. When I offer dyadic work to parents and children, I see first hand how powerful it is for little ones to experience the magic of being valued exactly for who they are, in that particular moment 💜💫 please reach out if you want to learn more.
#play #parentchildpsychotherapy #therapy
Happy new year to all the lovely children, families and parents I’ve had the privilege of working with in the past year 🌟💫💜 I feel so lucky to be able to do what I do. And I can only do it because I was given help when I needed it. Asking for help can be the hardest thing, but no one can do it all alone.
Holidays can be a really difficult time for many. Whether you are surrounded by loved ones, or dearly missing them, it can be tricky to navigate all the feelings that can come up. Sometimes the best thing to do is to take a moment for yourself, do something that brings you joy. Even if it’s as simple as just a cup of tea 🫖
A lovely PSA by @rchmelbourne this morning as we are all facing the barrage of questions about Santa and his helpers! It’s wonderful for kids to experience the magic of Xmas, but if your children are showing you they know more, it’s best to be open and involve them in the reasons why humans love to create mythical stories. And remember, just because your child is ready to face the truth about 🎅 doesn’t meant they don’t still believe in Easter bunny!
Pregnancy can be a time of joy but also of unspeakable pain and heartache. You don’t have to hide it and you don’t have to be alone in it. As a perinatal mental health clinician, I love supporting new parents as they create their own unique path to family life. Thank you @eyemamaproject for this sparkly image 💫💜